24 NOV 2022

Adventure Ship Training Trip

The Adventure Ship training trip was held on 16th November. 28 student leaders from the four student leadership groups (Prefects, Student Ambassadors, House and Student Council) participated in thrilling activities that put their leadership and teamwork skills to the test. 


The day started with a treasure hunt activity on the ship. We then raised the sail of the ship as a team, which allowed us to work together and help each other along the way. That was followed by a rotation of four activity stations. The first activity involved supporting all team members in climbing across a high beam in the middle of the ship to the other side. We had to stand on our teammate's knees and climb onto a beam and get down. Once a person had made it to the other side they could not come back to help which made the activity more thrilling. With the power of teamwork and courage, every team member managed to complete this enjoyable and challenging activity.


In another activity, students got into a mini speed boat with their teammates and took turns driving it! The next activity involved overcoming our fear of heights and walking across a wooden plank from the main deck outwards with the ocean right underneath you in order to grab a toy! This activity required plenty of collaboration and mutual support from all team members.


The last activity involved navigating an obstacle course outside the ship and getting back into the ship through a small hole, but there was a twist -- participants could not hold the boat, but only grab their teammate's hands! Everyone felt fearful during this activity, but students' trust for each other grew tremendously when they finished!


Adrenaline certainly kicked in when faced with challenges that seemed to be dangerous. Holding on to the trapeze - only to go back to the ship at first - followed by letting go and jumping into the sea with no life jacket was just preparation for what was to come later.


Students were also faced with the challenge of abandoning ship drills, where they were forced to jump into the water from the ship at varying heights with a life jacket on. The drop into the sea from the challenge level was truly something requiring bravery.


The training not only taught us to have fun and courage while completing the tasks, but we also learned some essential life skills, such as how to wear a life jacket, how to navigate through a boat, the direction of the boat, how to ride a mini speed boat, how to raise a sail and, most importantly, how to abandon ship during an emergency! These life lessons are truly unforgettable!


This exciting experience also helped us develop and enhance skills, such as cooperation, confidence, courage and communication! Although many activities were quite scary, we were able to do them with the help and support of our team members!


Rakshita Kumar (4C) and Haleema Munawar (4C)